Friday, March 26, 2021

Rome (Addendum)

 Rome was strong, or is strong as we mentioned in the previous article. But I wanted to discuss a little bit more where the strength and weakness is coming from.

Rome has a structure, and people take it very seriously. It is obvious why one might want to take it seriously; if one is not part of the structure, that person is not part of the structure, which is not nice. 

The structure tells everyone what to do, or what one should do, and they call it a bureaucracy. Maybe they didn't call it bureaucracy back then, but it certainly what we know as bureaucracy today.

In the bureaucracy everybody has certain roles and people take pleasure by being known as what role they do, or what title they have. They carry their titles even after they have left office and this is how much they love their roles.

For example president Biden was known as Vice President Biden when he was running for president, but we all know he wasn't vice president at the time. He had been vice president, but no more. This is how much they love their titles.

In Rome, or in bureaucracy, everybody is entitled to something, to some right. They have a right in Senate, they have a right in Congress and they have a right in office, where things get done. 

In Rome there is a lot of conflict between people of different rights, and in fact those different offices have been created to represent different opinions. However, the conflict is never ending, since people get their rights from their positions and not the other way around.

People think Rome is awesome, or Roman structure is awesome, and that's partially true, but however they associate their positions with awesomeness of Rome. They think Rome is awesome, and this position is awesome, and I'm awesome. There is a constant conflict with lots of awesome people.

In Rome, authority comes from title and not vice versa. If somebody has a title and says nonsense, people believe it. And if somebody doesn't have a title and says something useful, it is hard to be noticed. 

Rome was built as a city but grew as an empire. While the structure was fine to answer to the people of the city, it was not fine enough to answer to will of people in large scale. There is always somebody who can lie and deceive people, and this happened in Rome.

The final stages of Roman empire is what we see in USA now. Lots of liars, people who would do anything to get some money, including cheating and betraying people. That's the fate of all civilizations. That's when immediate gratifications like money and sweats are more important than morals.

Rome has no solutions. There are different factions that fight with each other. And finally we have civil war, like we had in Rome and like what we had in USA. There is no way around it. Either people agree on one common leadership or there is war.

Rome is very old, and it has very long uninterrupted track record of development. This creates the illusion that current affairs is the only possible way of doing things among many people. The history allows many old institutions to live and be present. There are a lot of idiots and filth around.

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